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The story

  • Not so long ago, my friend Kevin cleaned out his wardrobe, which, due to his pack rat nature, was crammed with clothes he hadn't worn in more than a decade. Among the discarded were 25 sweaters that can generously be described as "hideous." Or, as one critic put it, "Bill Cosby would not wear this." Kevin's defense? "I worked at Marshalls in North Olmsted, Ohio, during high school and got a 15 percent discount. It was cold. It was the late '80s." The horror, the horror. Click here to see them, but be warned. Your eyes. The burning.

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January 04, 2007



that is GENIUS!


How did I miss this?! Good lord man, that's hilarious!


How did I miss this?! Good lord man, that's hilarious!


YES! Thank you so much for making this cartoon, and attacking the great zombie-cartoon pillar of commercialism.


YES! Thank you so much for making this cartoon, and attacking the great zombie-cartoon pillar of commercialism.


YES! Thank you so much for making this cartoon, and attacking the great zombie-cartoon pillar of commercialism.


Thank you. I'm sure that Garfield's team of legal beagles will be in touch.

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